Well here goes!! First the fans!
Some came small and got to be on stage with Rodney Atkins!!
Some "Yelled and Hollered" to their favorite Country Stars. ( Well maybe she just waved at me. Ya Think?)
And this dude can dressed for the concert with his "Big USA" hat. He "ROCKED."
Now for the music. First up "The Grascals" great Blue Grass.
You will like Joey and Rory, husband and wife. Their song "Cheater, Cheater" was a big hit. Rory also wrote Blake Shelton's hit "Some Beach" and the royalties allowed Rory and Joey to build a barn and buy a used Motor Bus for touring. How cool!!
Rory relaxing after his performance! Joey probably taking a shower.
Next was Terri Clark.
Diamond Rio who have had many hits and have been together 25 years brought the fans to their feet.
This is RODNEY ATKINS !! He sang a few of his hits, "If Your Going Through Hell", "Cleaning This Gun", and "About The South"
And closing the 4 day THUNDER the teriffic TIM MCGRAW !!