Beginning with "Hallelujah" and ending with "Blue Skies," the show had its" good, bad, and ugly."
Simon thought Katie Stevens had " Whatever it is" and all the judges agreed.
Justin Willians, who has survived cancer, got all the judges to send him to Hollywood.
Another guy(maybe Luke Shaffer ), who fell out of a tree, did a good job, even with his repaired wrists.
Leah Laurenti did a great job with "Blue Skies" to close the first night.Andrew Fenion an unemployed musician from Boston came in the audition room with a chip on his shoulder because he had to "Wait so long for the audition." Kara gave him hell telling him people wait years for a chance to audition. Simon also gave him an ear full.
Now there were several thousand who auditioned in Boston while 32 were voted through to Hollywood. Many tears from the American Idol wannabee's who really think they were good. It happens all the time not only in music but in comedy, theater, boxing, etc. but, hey, Music is all our lives!!!
Lisa, who didn't get picked, left the room with a wiggle that turned the heads of all judges. Randy said" Can we vote again.?"

On to the next show !!!