Wednesday's Idol results show had a mixture of music. A nice duet by Brooke White and Justin Gaston. Singing Elvis' "If I Could Dream." I liked it but it wasn't close to the Celine Dion-Elvis Duet from a few years ago.
Here's the video of Celine and Elvis, remember?
click here
And then a rock performance by Adam Lambert singing his new single, "What Do You Want From Me."
-- What the hell was that???I thought it was terrible, but just sayin'. I saw his video of this song and it was much better then his American Idol performance.
Here's his video.
Now for the results.
Andrew Garcia was the first sent home and rightfully so. He just didn't show real star quality and lacked energy in several of his performances.
The second one going home was Katie Stevens. Katie had some good performances but she needs more seasoning. She needs some additional vocal training. Both Andrew and Katie will be on the American Idol tour so check them out.
Next weeks guest mentor will be the great Alicia Keys.