Friday, August 5, 2011

Steve Miller Band at the Chicago Theatre August 4, 2011

Before the Concert here's a litle ceiling art at the Chicago Theatre.
And Steve opened !

And then Steve got upset with the heat from the lighting in this air-conditioned building and demanded that the lighting be shut off. He went on for about 10 minutes about the heat IN THIS AIR_CONDITIONED THEATRE. Now I saw Paul McCartney at Wrigley Field for 2 concerts in 90+ degree and Sir Paul never complained about the lighting! Guess that's the difference between a "Living Legend" and a "has been". Guess Steve just wanted to "Take The Money And Run".

O well here's the rest of the pictures and a couple of videos.

And the fans were dancin'

Late in the Concert a dude from the Kids Rock foundation joined the group on stage.

And here are two video's of the encore.
(Click Below)

And that's my last time to attend a Steve Miller Band Concert but if you want to donate to the "Kids Rock Free.Com" program text ROCK to 50555 to give $10 to KRF. Thanks!