Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Band Perry at the Wisconsin State Fair

Just another great concert. Sunny Sweeney opened and was rockin', followed by The Band Perry who were terrific. What a concert!!

First here are "My Three Amigo's", Jeff, Tom, & Brian. These security dudes have handled concert crowds at the Wisconsin State Fair for several years and they do a great job!!
And my "Neighbors For The Night" , my brother-in-law, Jerry and his lovely wife Carol. They have become great country fans. They got tied up in traffic at Tim McGraw & Kenny Chesney's concert recently at Soldier Field and missed The Band Perry. So they came to the Fair to see them. 

Here's the concert photos & videos. First up, the cool and sexy Sunny Sweeney.

Here's The Band Perry's opening. Kimberly, Reid, and Neil.

"Walk Me Down The Middle"

"Free Fallin'"

"Give Me Back That Rock & Roll"

Her's Kimberly singing a Gospel Hymn and I caught this glow around her head.  Interesting!
And my concert ended but check out "The Band Perry's" music and web site, better yet go and see their concert..